Thursday, May 21, 2009

World Cup 'will change the face of South African tourism'

South Africa is on course to host a successful 2010 FIFA World Cup, and the tournament is set to change the face of the country's tourism industry.

That was the message to visitors to Africa's annual Indaba travel trade show, in Durban, South Africa, last week.

FIFA World Cup Organising Committee chief executive Danny Jordaan said: "In terms of the state of readiness, at the moment we do not have the levels [necessary for] 2010 - work is not complete yet. But we must [compare] the start point in 2004 and where we are today."

FIFA consultant for 2010 Horst Schmidt insisted South Africa was on schedule. He said: "The arenas and airports are ready, or will be in good time."

It is hoped the World Cup will diminish negative perceptions of South Africa, attracting a greater number and broader range of tourists during and after the event.

Jordaan said: "It gives an unprecedented opportunity to brand our country and leave a lasting legacy."

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