Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Youth Travel on the rise

The Youth Travel market is worth approximately R1 098 trillion (USD136 billion) according to the 2008 United Nations World Tourism Oganisation’s report and is growing rapidly.

Cape Town Routes Unlimited (CTRU), the official destination marketing organisation for Cape Town and the Western Cape, has teamed up with the South African Tourism Services Association (SATSA) and South Africa Youth Travel Confederation (SAYTC) in a bid to raise the profile of this travel market and increase the market share for the destination.

CTRU’s CEO, Calvyn Gilfellan, has met with SATSA and SAYTC: “The Youth Travel market has achieved phenomenal growth and it is therefore crucial that the Cape Town and Western Cape tourism industry taps into its potential. Contrary to popular perception, Youth Travel does not only apply to teenagers. This type of travel involves independent tourists up to the age of fifty, who are interested in the hidden gems of a destination rather than the conventional tourist attractions. They yearn for educational experiences and want to make a difference and contribute during their travel. ”

SATSA’s Western Cape Chairperson, Howard Johnson adds: “The value that the Cape Town and the Western Cape tourism industry can find in the Youth Travel market is immense and I look forward to working together with CTRU and SAYTC, towards attracting these travellers to the destination.”

SAYTC’s national Chairperson, Gavin Eyre says: “South Africa and the Western Cape specifically is a place of many possibilities. The destination’s diverse offerings are sure to speak to the typical Youth Traveller.”

Gilfellan goes on to say: “In these trying economic times and as we approach the 2010 FIFA World Cup™, it is crucial that tourism roleplayers work together to step up our game. We have to be innovative and look for any gap to boost arrivals to our destination Cape Town and Western Cape.”

According to the UNWTO 2008 report on Youth Travel:

· Youth Travel accounts for over 20% of all international travelling

· The average youth traveller spends up to R37 139 (USD4600) per trip

· The average stay of a Youth Traveller in their destination of choice is 53 days

· Youth Travel Accommodation is a R61.3 billion (USD7.6 billion) industry that generates 300 million bed nights

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