Thursday, January 7, 2010

World Cup In 3D

ESPN announced yesterday that they’ll be screening World Cup 2010 games in 3D. They’ll show the opening South Africa vs Mexico game in 3D, and “up to 25″ World Cup games in total.

Now the bad news: You’ll need more than just those big glasses you wore to see Avatar (which you’re supposed to give back at the end, by the way) in order to watch the games. You’ll also need an expensive 3D television and a subscription to the ESPN 3D channel.

So this isn’t for the common fan. It’s very much an experimental, early adopter type deal. Unless you live in Europe. According to the Telegraph, 3D TV will NOT be available in Britain in time for the World Cup, but WILL be available on certain big public screens at FIFA International Fan Fests, courtesy of Sony.

I can think of worse ways to spice up a dead rubber group game.

That said, I’ve never seen football in 3D, so can only imagine what it looks like. My first guess is that it’s confusing, and will take a little getting used to. But I’m all for something new, and if it takes off then maybe we’ll get on board and launch 3D versions of The Offside and WorldCupBlog. I already need glasses to read them, so wouldn’t be a huge change for me.

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